Celeste Trianon is a transfeminine jurist and activist located in unceded land traditionally in the custody of the Kanien’kehá:ka. Her work is centered notably on tackling the administrative and juridical barriers trans people consistently face in day-to-day life, all while facilitating trans joy and the celebration of queerness in its various forms.

If you want to get in touch with Celeste, you can reach them on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or at celeste (at/à) juritrans.ca.

Currently, on this website, you’ll find information about the Trans ID Clinic I am coordinating, my anti-trans legislative and policy risk map for Canada, a database of information on legal gender marker changes in Quebec, and information on my public speaking engagements. Eventually, I should have more things available here!

Note that this website only provides legal information, and none of the information here should be construed as legal advice. If you are unsure about a legal question, I’d recommend that you consult a lawyer.